SKU: B & P-D01584
AQ Vital Signs Station including iBMI Chair HW-1 and FDA-certified PC-300 for the measurement of body weight, height, blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation (pO2), blood glucose level and automated BMIcalculation. PC-300 is also equipped with sensors for one lead heart rhythm tracing. Data interface with MDLand iClinic is included without additional charge. Integration with any EMR systems are available. This equipment acquires signals of height and weight using electronic sensors. The readings are processed by microchip technologies and wirelessly transmitted to Bluetooth enabled APP system (iMobileMDLand, provided by MDLand International) in which body mass index (BMI) are calculated automatically. Recommended Applications: iBMI® Chair is designed for measurement of body height and weight while standing in front of the chair and sitting in the chair, respectively. These features minimize of the risk of falling and possible injuries in a frail elderly during stepping up and down a traditional scale. 1) Medical clinics, private offices, urgent care or health centers, and hospital ward 2) Home use for a frail elderly to minimize the risk of fall or injury * Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women, which is used to screen for weight categories (underweight, overweight, or obese) that may lead to health problems.